Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Super Powers!

If you grew up in the 80's like I did, you may recall a TV show called "Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show". Although most of the heroes (except for Firestorm) lacked an individual personality, it was pretty fun to watch on saturday mornings. One big plus was that it featured one my favorite DC villains of all time: DARKSEID. Heck, I even read that Jack Kirby himself designed the character for the show!

Like oh-so-many cartoons of the 80's, the cartoon had a toy line tied to it called "Super Powers" and needless to say, it left a mark on my psyche. That's why I decided to start a new series of prints based on some of the characters from the show. The background is 100% inspired in the "Super Powers" logo.


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